About The Writer

Kathryn Frumberg

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Worried I Will Not Be

When I'm feeling low, a person I need, to help me through the pain
When I'm feeling low, a person I need, to show the sun through the pouring rain
When I'm feeling low, a person I need, to make it through the night
When I'm feeling low, a person I need, to not give up this fight

When I'm feeling low, a person I need, I look around and what do I see
But the power from the familiar eyes that happen to belong to me
When I'm feeling low, a person I need, I am comforted by this fact
That even at my darkest hour, I will always have my back

So when I'm feeling low, I have this thought to set me free
That in this life, the most important person happens to be me
And if ever I feel lonely, worried I will not be
Cause when I'm feeling low, she'll always be with me

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I Am Told

I am told to slow down before I give them my heart,
I am told he's my opportunity to create a fresh start
I am told I should have my guard up this time around,
but I find my path to the cliff and don't hear a sound,
I follow my steps to the edge, I don't look down
and until there's that voice that I don't wanna hear,
is when I look down to see the damage from my fall last year,
at every single mark that led me to cry my last tear
I am told the year had weakened me, and to jump when I seem tougher,
But I'm also told not to judge a book by it's cover

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Frozen in a Picture

Its time I do me and take care of myself,
so away will you go, stored on my top shelf
You belong in that picture held up by that frame,
when all you are is a memory attached to a name
So away with the pain and away with the sorrow,
and no looking back, just forward toward tomorrow
Because it's time I move on and its time that I see,
that I cant give anyone my heart until I give it to me
So your face stands frozen while time stands still,
and I stand wondering how this void will ever fill
But I figure it will if I give it time,
looking out at the night with a pen and a rhyme
because the night will come when I see your face,
as just this thing on my shelf taking up space